
Boost your Sales and Kick Start your Business

Follow the steps outlined below and you will increase your sales and your client base, which will lead to additional profit and growth in your Iphone 4s Car Kits business.Inspite of what any e-mail or website will tell you, there is no simple method to grow your company. It certainly will not happen with you sitting in an armchair or indeed when you are asleep. The hard facts of the matter are that all successful business owners have got there by working hard, but also crucially working smart. Hard work is not a guarantee of success on its own, but couple that with smart work and you will be on the fast track to success.I will spell-out what I undertook to achieve the success I have had, and I am certain that if you follow my guidelines that you can see the same level of success as I did.To start with, a little bit about the success I have had so far. I am not a millionaire, far from it. I have achieved modest, maintainable sales growth on an ongoing basis that has added about 10% to my bottom line month-on-month. I have no special skill sets and nor did I spend huge sums of money to achieve this success. My business sells in the Business-2-Business marketplace which is where this whole system works best.Sadly, this is no special secret plan that I have dreamt up. The truth is smart working is rarely something that is a stupendous idea. It is just taking some time to step back from coalface, look at your company and work out a viable plan. For me this meant focussing on the simple fact that to get necessary growth in my business I needed to either add more customers or get my current customers spending money. Hardly a eureka moment that one is it!The way I did it was to concentrate on e-mail marketing. Now first off, I have to say, if you are just about to stop reading please bear with me. I too, was verysceptical to start with, but I had to face reality that I could not recruit a sales person to do this job, and I would not be able to find the necessary space in my diary to do what I would call the conventional sales work. To date I had always professed that I had never done business with a customer I had not met face to face, and I was not going to compromise that ethos. I have to say that I have learnt the hard way and had a few setbacks en route, but here is my 8 point plan that shows you how I made a success of it.1.I rapidly understood that you cannot send e-mails to lots of people using standard e-mail software. The spam filters currently available just direct your email to the junk folder. I tried several different programs, but have settled on Interspire which is a web based software, as my program of choice. True it does cost, and there are some very good lower cost/free programs out there as well (PHP List comes to mind), but it fulfils all my requirements and more.2.Make sure you have a solid relationship with your ISP as you will undoubtedly have rules you will have to adhere to regarding how many e-mails you can send and the speed you can send them. There is a incredibly fine line between legitimate marketing and spamming. Make sure you are not on the wrong side of this line.3.Having mentioned the spam word, now is an appropriate moment to cover that issue as well. There are some critical rules you need to adhere to when sending e-mails. Firstly, if at all possible obtain your e-mails by having interested parties subscribe to your website and have them supply you with their e-mail. This is the opt-in method. It is hugely more successful as you are emailing somebody who has actually requested your email. This is the only way you can operate if you are sending emails direct to consumers. If your business is B2B, then you can purchase a mailing list of some description and use that. If you go down this route, then there are three vital things you have to do:a.The emails address you send your emails from must be a used and legitimate email address;b.You can only send business related e-mails to the emails you have;c.You must always have an unsubscribe link on each e-mail you send. It should be needless to say that this function works effectively. (The program I use does this automatically.)If you adhere to these rules your marketing campaign will beperfectly within the law.4.Make your e-mails pleasant to read in addition to having the promotion within it. Do not forget to make the subject line of the e-mail eye-catching and try to avoid filling the e-mail with multiple images. This option just slows down the system and annoys recipients. Take your readers on a journey with you; do not send identical emails each week, vary them so the readers get to see the full resources of your company.5.Endeavour wherever possible to send to your emails at the same time each week. Do not bombard them every day, nor mail infrequently like monthly. A weekly email consistently received at the same time every week will be more likely to be opened.6.You will find a number of programs offering to verify the email addresses you have. I can tell you that I have 6 of them running on my laptop. When I process my list through each program, they all indicate which addresses are either valid or invalid. Even after I sent emails out to the list I had, I could not match up any of the verifier programs as being effective. The most effective I found was to send the emails in small batches and handle the returned emails as they arrive. If the program you use does this automatically all the better.7.You will no doubt get many bounce-backs, that cannot be sent or the e-mail address you have does not exist any more. Make sure you delete them from your list straight away as this will just irritate your web hoster who will assume you are a spammer and close your account.8.Start small and build up slowly. Get 1,000 addresses and process those to see how you get on. You will learn more quickly, and be respected by your web hoster if you steadily grow as opposed to trying to send a huge list out over night.This is my 8 point plan to success in email marketing. I can truthfully say that I never broke any of them. I started using a free bulk email program and I purchased a mailing list. I quickly learnt that the better the program the more likely my email was to go through. I also learnt that certain words and phrases also triggered spam filters, from that point onwards none of my emails offer FREE or NO OBLIGATION items.I have my own subscribe page on my website, but to speed up the whole process I purchased a mailing list. It was excellent value, but predictably, it did contain a number of invalid emails. However, by working smart and carefully, I removed most of them and now have a list which is significantly reduced, but works very well for my needs. The reality is, it is well worth the money even after you take into account the inaccurate addresses.To begin with, the mailing list was the only place I invested, and I have to say it was well worth it. I now send 1,000 e-mails a day, each week, and I receive on average 15 responses a week. Now I can imagine a number of marketing departments laughing at this, telling me how poor my response is. But in reality, it takes me 90 minutes a day to send out the emails, and 15 responses a week is an amount I can manage and has lead to me expanding my business by the percentages I stated earlier. I win on average 4 light bulbs new customers a week.Now in the current business environment, who is going to laugh at that?

